![]() a long prose called a profile Okay here we go. I'm Marie, and I was fired from my mom's womb on the 8th September 1994. Do the math, if you wanna know how old I am or am gonna be, yes? 'Cause my inability to factorise stuff isn't getting me anywhere. Alright, moving on! I come from the hottest sexiest coolest Sec 1 Truth '07 and the awesomest fantastic-est loveliest Sec 2 Justice '08 and now the funest coolest Sec 3 Grace '09 :D Yes, so no Secondary student is allowed to go home straight 5 days a week, so i'm in SNLS to burn off my one day a week and try not to give the Library aunty migraines. I'm currently relishing my first year not a Drama student. I profess my love to the love-ah-lee CAPPERS '08 who made my first week of June hols '08 a week to remember! Teehee. I will miss hurling paper balls at Heidi/Alicia C/Ziyu/Genith during class, and will find a way to kachao them in their new classes hehheh. I need to sit with someone good in math because I downright suck at any aspect of it except 1+1, 2+2 that sorta thing, and I still love Archuleta with my teenage-lovey-dovey heart:D (shuddup i'm not weird!). I'm a hardcore Friends-addict, and I adore Chandler Bing. mommy said communication is key! the (elect) history of this blog October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 people people people! SEXY ONE TRUTH'07:D Christine. Colleen. Hillary. Li Juan aka Mitochondriona. Melissa. Nicole Chan aka S****. Nicole Yue. Raeann. Shu Qing. Yorklyn. Vanessa Cheong. Xin Ling. BABYVFC =). ONETRUTH'07=). AWESOME TWO JUSTICE '08:D Amanda (1TRUTH'07). Angelique (tianshi!). Cabrini (1TRUTH'07). Cheryl. Erina (1TRUTH'07). Esther. Hannah. Heidi. Huai Tian. Janice Chua. Jolyne (1TRUTH'07). Lai Sum aka Potential Future Top Hairstylist. Li Lin. Megan (1TRUTH'07). Michelle. Ning Xuan. Saacha (1TRUTH'07). Sharon (1TRUTH'07). 2JUSTICE LEAGUEE BABY:D. LOVE-AH-LEE THREE GRACE'09:D> Alanaaaa Cassandraaa Daphneeee Joanna-anna (1TRUTH'07). Lin Jianxzxzx Marthaaa Kuchinggg (1TRUTH'07) Min Yuxzxzxzx Staceyyyyy Wei Yunnn Yvonnester (2JUSTICE'08). YCS Antho. Clovie. Denise. Dominic Fernie. Irwin. John. Milissa. Yong Mei. SNLS Gar Wai. Han Wen. Janice. Jia Yun. Jodie. Pui San. Renee. Ruth (rachel!). Ting Yuan. Zhu Wei. CHIJ St Nicholas Primary Charlotte (1-4FAITH'01-'04). Nikko (5FAITH'05). Qiao Yoke (3FAITH'03/4FAITH'04). Sabrina Quek (6PURITY'06). Shan Wen (5FAITH'05/6PURITY'06). Vivian Tan (1FAITH'01/2FAITH'02). SHOW SOME LOVE FOR... Derrek. Joelle. Lorraine (FRENCH CLASS '07). Amanda Chaaai. CAPPER'S 08:D Aliciaaa my red red buddy:D. Bumsooooooo. Carissa (midnight hagg). Cassandra. Cleo. Dawn. Deborah. Ephraimm britney dude:O. Joy. Id. Rei En. Shameera. Xin Yi. Yvonne. kudos to you man, skin by: Jane |
Saturday, March 22, 2008 @ 12:39 AM
Inanimate objects, stay away from me. I swear i'm gonna blow soon. Like really really soon. Like if another window crashes on me again. How the hell am I freakin' gonna USE this thing if it will freeze and die as fast as it takes for me to move the mouse? UGH. Okay on to less pissing things. Finally finally finally finished Shui Hu Zhuan. WHOOPEE. Really bummed that Amanda Overmeyer is out. I mean. She IS unique. And her attitude is cool man. I mean like she wasn't bawling or complaining or giving pissed face when she was kicked off. She was smiling. And i'd bet she didn't expect herself to go home. But still she kept so cool and all. Like woah. Respects to Amanda Overmeyer man. Sad to see her go :( Archuleta seriously rocked this week. Seriously as in S. E. R. I. O. U. S. L. Y. Masterclass, amazing, bringing the hotness back. WHOOSH:D Anyways. Nicole Chan Jing Wen has contracted a severe case of Alzheimer's. Please grieve. Apparently, her illness has enabled her to see or feel people staring at her. Everywhere. Nicole Chan: *looks left, looks right* She's staring at me. Then awhile later... Nicole Chan: *stares around* Me: Nobody is looking at you. Nicole Chan again: *stares around again* 'Cause there's nobody around! :O Anyways. "Toilet breaks" during duty or CCA are the BOMB man :D Slacking durying duty is the bestest best thing :D I tell you, you can practically take a pillow in and sleep in there. Which I tried to do during CCA while LinLiJuan looked around for her book. Which I conclude is the hardest thing a person could ever attempt to do. Look for a book for Lin Li Juan, that is. Me: This one?! LLJ: No! Too thick! Me: This one?! LLJ: Cannot! Words too small! Me: This one eh?! Looks interesting! LLJ: Eee. I don't like to read about murder! Me: Eh how about this?! Thin, big words, and interesting! LLJ: No! *finds a book* Eh? How about this? Me: Yeah yeah! This is good! Take take take! LLJ: Don't want lah! Literature book eh! *This goes on and on and finally she finds a thin, big word book and is considering* Me: Take it, take it! LLJ: Are you sure? Is it too thin? After everybody laugh at me. :O :O And YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY to Michelle Tan!! :D Hehheh. Who has good taste. And is my patron. :D See, Erina Lu Zhi Shen! No need for violence!! :D Heh. Michelle Tan and Yvonne Loh are the perfect partners, I tell you. They read read throughout the first day of term 2. And both finished the books which I took months or weeks to finish in one day :O And Yvonne is the funniest thing man. Randomly writing down jokes on paper during class! Hehheh. Then during Lit when Mrs Nath came up to us and asked why we were not discussing and we told her we had finished, Yvonne: Ask me anything and I will tell you everything! *Cabrini and I start to laugh like shit* Mrs Nath *stares*: Mmm. Arhh Nicole Yue's sick Y8 games are actually pretty fun :O Fine I shall go back to Book Trails. <3 "Toilet Breaks" :D Thursday, March 13, 2008 @ 11:55 PM
Right. My eldest brother just drove all the way to NUS in Clementi, then realized he had forgotten to bring a book and drove all the way back to take it. Then my second brother was just about to leave for NUS, so they both got in the car and went off. And after their lectures, my eldest bro will drive to pick my mom and send her back then go with the car to pick his girlfriend and go on a date, send her back and drive back again. Driving. It's freakin' convenient, I tell you. He gets the car 'cause my dad is in India. Wonder what will happen when my second bro gets his liscence. And there are 3 drivers and only 1 car. Eh? Why am I talking about driving? Okay, i'm almost done with Book Trails. Just irritated to shit by the freakin' small spaces they give in which they want us to write storylines. Shui Hu Zhuan is not going well. At all. And I have written 2 ballads and still am not sure which to use or if they are even considered ballads. PLUS I seem to have forgotten every single Julia Yeo thing about maths. This is awesome. Finished watching Juno yesterday. It's a pretty nice show. Ellen Page is a great great actress. She's only 20 and nominated for Oscars? Wow. Not looking forward to school. At all. Not that this is called a holiday anyway. More of like "5 Days Of Not Going To School To Complete All The Shitty Piles Of Homework Given". Why is it not raining today? Love rainy days. So cool, so lazy, so nice for sleeping. My phone is officially irritating me. It just refuses to let me transfer songs. The card reader broke down, and I had to use my brother's laptop's bluetooth to send songs over BUT the song cannot be over 2.7.MB. What freakin' song is not over 2.7MB?! Except for performance songs 'cause they're short. Because apparently, the phone even after I deleted Catalogs, ringtones, pictures and whatever, has no space. I was watching the thing transfer until up to like 95% and my hopes were going up, up and up, and then it just said "Error copying file" and I would start screaming like shit and abusing the laptop. Eeee. Okay fine. To read up on Lu Da and Lin Cong! Wednesday, March 12, 2008 @ 9:30 AM
Omg LOL. Random tears just now. :O Hehheh. I think I am going mental. Either that or my brain is rusting and is becoming bizarre. Okay fine. Those two things are pretty much the same. Hmph. Arhh. Okay. I am in love with Luke Menard's "Wake Me Up Before You Go Go". Have no idea why. The judges didn't really like it. But I think it's cool. And Jason Castro's "Hallelujah" was totally totally totally rocking. Wait. That was last week. Arh whatever. The Notebook, when it's not sick, is totally cool. And Juno is dammit nice. Except for the sick parts. Too. @ 2:08 AM
UGH UGH UGH. ERINA MADE ME CRY. UGH. UGH. UGH. ARH. She reminded me of David's top 12 performance and I just started crying. ARH. And I have no freakin' idea why. It just came out. Erina just freakin' made me cry. Ahhhh. ARHHHHHHHHHH. He didn't do well. I thought it was alright. But apparently he forgot lyrics and the judges didn't like it. AHHHHHH. But whatever. HE IS STILL LOVED. :D Right. She is forcing his her brother to tell her that he loves her. :O Poor thing. Friday, March 7, 2008 @ 7:22 AM
Goodness. After American Idol, the channel was flipped to CNA where the news like flashes past at the bottom of the page, and I was reading it out, "PM Lee says Mas Selamat's escape is a lesson learnt for complacency." or something like that. Then my brother suddenly shouts all the way from upstairs, "HUH?! WHAT MAS SELAMAT?! WHAT MAS SELAMAT?!" :O Goodness. Dannyyyyy. Ahhhhhh. I shall miss Danny. He's so pretty and fun to watch. Hmm. I switched the TV on, and Blake's face was on screen and I started going "AHHHHH!! AHHHH!! AHHHHH!!!" and disrupting my mom who was praying. Something's going on with Ramiele and Danny. Hmmm. And David (Archuleta) is so small when standing next to Michael Johns who is like big sized. Awww. I liked Luke Menard's performance. Too bad he's booted. Oh and what's his name Jason Castro was dammit good. AND needless to say. David Archuleta rocked the house to bits and pieces. So humble, so good natured, so talented, so sweet etc etc etc. :D Okay going to read The Notebook until probably 1am now. Oh did I mention when I announced that Queen of Babble was a sick book, Michelle Tan and Jolyne Tan immediately broke out in "LEMME SEE"s? Oh and no, Loh Lai Sum, David Archuleta is not an opera singer. :O :O @ 5:18 AM
According to Erina Tan May Xin, BLAKE LEWIS: -Was voted 7th sexiest man on earth. -Would choose Britney from a choice of Lindsay, Britney and Paris because she was passionate about something in her life once. 38 MINUTES TO BLAKE AND ARCHULETA ON SAME STAGE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. THIS IS GOING TO BE PHENOMENAL. GO WATCH GO WATCH GO WATCH. AND MEGAN! HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW WHAT BLAKE LOOKS LIKE! Danny is out. Ahhhhhhhh. He is beautiful! Heh heh. Damn. No more Danny :( :( Changed seats. Right in front and to the side with Cabrini! Michelle and Yvonne behind us and Heidi and Alicia Choo to our left! Ahhh I miss old seating place. I SHALL MISS YOU MEGAN, AMANDA, WEN EN, JOLYNE, LAISUM!!!!!!! Michelle I won't miss you. 'Cause you're right behind me. Heh heh:D Meng Lao Shi is NICE:D NICOLE CHAN IS STUDYING MY FACIAL EXPRESSIONS AND I DON'T KNOW WHY. Okay. 22 minutes to THE PHENOMENON now. Go watch. Saturday, March 1, 2008 @ 3:21 AM
ARH ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ARHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH<3333 Photos 3, 4 and 5 from Amanda and Photo 6 from Neubronner. THE WORLD IS FALLING IN LOVE<3 He freakin' has vocal paralysis. Yet he sings like an angel. AHHHHH. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES TO JUAN (23/02) WEN EN (24/02) NICOLE CHAN (26/02) LAISUMFUTURE FASHIONISTA (01/03) LIN LIN (03/03) Belated birthday wishes. STILL LOVE YOU GUYS:D My Nicole Chan didn't come to school today): GET WELL SOON BABY:D PPR issuance tomorrow. Genuinely dreading it. This would be the most screwed up PPR ever. UGH UGH UGH. Looove English library lessons!! Whooosh. Where Jolyne Tan claims to read some scientific magazine and ends up with my 8 Days. And Cabrini notifies me of our Primary school photos in the connexio. Megan converted "Shop Around" to chipmunk version!!! EEEEE. Megan baby, I don't know if I should love you annot! Hmph. But it sounds cute. Heee. ERINA-ISH. Hmph. Okay that was random. MY MAMA TOLD ME YOU BETTER SHOP AROUND<3> |