![]() a long prose called a profile Okay here we go. I'm Marie, and I was fired from my mom's womb on the 8th September 1994. Do the math, if you wanna know how old I am or am gonna be, yes? 'Cause my inability to factorise stuff isn't getting me anywhere. Alright, moving on! I come from the hottest sexiest coolest Sec 1 Truth '07 and the awesomest fantastic-est loveliest Sec 2 Justice '08 and now the funest coolest Sec 3 Grace '09 :D Yes, so no Secondary student is allowed to go home straight 5 days a week, so i'm in SNLS to burn off my one day a week and try not to give the Library aunty migraines. I'm currently relishing my first year not a Drama student. I profess my love to the love-ah-lee CAPPERS '08 who made my first week of June hols '08 a week to remember! Teehee. I will miss hurling paper balls at Heidi/Alicia C/Ziyu/Genith during class, and will find a way to kachao them in their new classes hehheh. I need to sit with someone good in math because I downright suck at any aspect of it except 1+1, 2+2 that sorta thing, and I still love Archuleta with my teenage-lovey-dovey heart:D (shuddup i'm not weird!). I'm a hardcore Friends-addict, and I adore Chandler Bing. mommy said communication is key! the (elect) history of this blog October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 people people people! SEXY ONE TRUTH'07:D Christine. Colleen. Hillary. Li Juan aka Mitochondriona. Melissa. Nicole Chan aka S****. Nicole Yue. Raeann. Shu Qing. Yorklyn. Vanessa Cheong. Xin Ling. BABYVFC =). ONETRUTH'07=). AWESOME TWO JUSTICE '08:D Amanda (1TRUTH'07). Angelique (tianshi!). Cabrini (1TRUTH'07). Cheryl. Erina (1TRUTH'07). Esther. Hannah. Heidi. Huai Tian. Janice Chua. Jolyne (1TRUTH'07). Lai Sum aka Potential Future Top Hairstylist. Li Lin. Megan (1TRUTH'07). Michelle. Ning Xuan. Saacha (1TRUTH'07). Sharon (1TRUTH'07). 2JUSTICE LEAGUEE BABY:D. LOVE-AH-LEE THREE GRACE'09:D> Alanaaaa Cassandraaa Daphneeee Joanna-anna (1TRUTH'07). Lin Jianxzxzx Marthaaa Kuchinggg (1TRUTH'07) Min Yuxzxzxzx Staceyyyyy Wei Yunnn Yvonnester (2JUSTICE'08). YCS Antho. Clovie. Denise. Dominic Fernie. Irwin. John. Milissa. Yong Mei. SNLS Gar Wai. Han Wen. Janice. Jia Yun. Jodie. Pui San. Renee. Ruth (rachel!). Ting Yuan. Zhu Wei. CHIJ St Nicholas Primary Charlotte (1-4FAITH'01-'04). Nikko (5FAITH'05). Qiao Yoke (3FAITH'03/4FAITH'04). Sabrina Quek (6PURITY'06). Shan Wen (5FAITH'05/6PURITY'06). Vivian Tan (1FAITH'01/2FAITH'02). SHOW SOME LOVE FOR... Derrek. Joelle. Lorraine (FRENCH CLASS '07). Amanda Chaaai. CAPPER'S 08:D Aliciaaa my red red buddy:D. Bumsooooooo. Carissa (midnight hagg). Cassandra. Cleo. Dawn. Deborah. Ephraimm britney dude:O. Joy. Id. Rei En. Shameera. Xin Yi. Yvonne. kudos to you man, skin by: Jane |
Friday, May 23, 2008 @ 2:22 AM
Okay fine so David Cook got the crown. Was surprisingly alright about it after getting the news yesterday while wrapping ba zhang. Was calm for about 5 hours, then suddenly exploded during CCA in pudgy fish Lin Li Juan's face and started to cry. Was alright after that. Then came the results show. I tell you, my eyes have never been so swollen, my nose so stuck and my face so red. Was a combination of the undesirable PPR and my parents repeating the same reprimanding stuff over and over again and of course, seeing the build-up to Cookie being crowned over Archie. Ugh. BUT. I shalt look on the bright bright side of life. Whoo-hoo. :D Archie's parents still terrorists, cause he still the BOMB baby:D (Hehe in love with this pickup line) He didn't win, but he got a pretty car:D AND I SAW BLAKE. I WAS HAPPY. I SAW BLAKE, AND I WAS HAPPY:D Miss the guy. Archuleta's joining Jive label for his debut album. :D:D:D:D:D:D Hurry up, kid. Okay new skin dedicated to le David et le Blake. And credits many many many to le jolie femme Nicoleee Chann. Thank thee, kiddo:D Monday, May 19, 2008 @ 2:31 AM
The star falls, and the chase begins. Stardust totally rules. Love love love love Charlie Cox. Love love love love Claire Danes. Love love love love Michelle Pfeiffer. Love love love love Robert De Niro. Arh. Watched it 8 times since Tuesdayy. Juan, Chan, Hoon came on Tues for Stardust :D Dilly dallied too much in school, and started watching at like 4+. Cabby came at 6+ in time for the ending. Whoosh:D Love blooper reels, man. They're the bomb. Lin Li Juan is the bomb as well, I tell you. Someone: What is a mannequin? LLJ: Isn't it a bird? Then. Someone: What bird? LLJ: Pelican! Then. Someone: What bird did you say the mannequin was? LLJ: Oh. Melican! AND. As we were walking to bus-stop, we passed this funeral near a void deck of this condo. LLJ goes, "Woah. How come here got pasar-malam?" Brilliant kid:D Okay. Hols are coming:D Are cominggg, are commmmingggg:D Have fallen in love with "Michelle" by Jason Castrooooo:D:D He CAN sing. He can sing WELL. And I am sorry. Sorry for every saying Robert Pattinson is ugly. Sorry, sorry, sorry, so so sorry. He's NOT ugly. Not. Sorry. And sorry for ever pushing and poking Koh Wei Ming. So so sorry. He's a nice guy yeah. Kinda sad he's gonna be gone. He's hilarious. Alex Teoh too. Sad he's gonna be gone. Hmm. BATTLE OF THE DAVIDS. ARCHULETA ALL THE WAY YEAH. WHOOSH:D (L) Okay. Presenting a piece of fine work. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. PROLOGUE: Once upon a time, we met this princess by the opulent name of Oh Xin Hoon who made an opulent arrival to our uncomprehensive lives. This beautiful enigma that exudes sophistication which left us blinded by the meteorite that she was, shooting across our drear sky. But she was to leave for the country of the Olympics. Thou art too like the spirit of Xinhoon! Woods! Thine eyes doth sear mine heart Thou other raven black hair is like the first! A third is like the former! OH! Xinhoon, why do you show me this? A beauty! Enliven, eyes! What! Will the beauty stretch out to the crack of dawn? Another yet? A mei nu! Take it anymore I shalt not! And yet there she appears, who shows me many more! That Chem and Bio book carry, Such love, ‘tis true! Now I behold this beautiful Xinhoon! Now I see ‘tis true! For the opulent beauty stands before me and smiles at us for eons! Behold this opulent soul SURVERY QUESTIONAIRE Choose from among these options. 1. Go to Marie’s house and study Home Economics 2. Go to Marie’s house and study Geography 3. Go to Marie’s house and study English Literature 4. Go to Marie’s house and study English 5. Go to Marie’s house and study Chinese 6. Go to Marie’s house and study Science 7. Go to Marie’s house and study Mathematics 8. Go to Marie’s house and study History 9. Go to Marie’s house and rest 10. Go to Marie’s house and talk to her aunty 11. Go to Marie’s house and count the number of bedrooms she has 12. Go to Marie’s house and ask if she has tissue paper 13. Go to Marie’s house and decide what to do 14. Go to Marie’s house and run around in the garden 15. Go to Marie’s house and play A,E,I,O,U 16. Go to Marie’s house and take pictures of her neighbour 17. Go to Lijuan’s house and clean the goldfish tank 18. Go to Lijuan’s house and feed the goldfish 19. Go to Lijuan’s house and clean the goldfish’s shit 20. Go to Lijuan’s house and tution her sister in Indian Dance 21. Go to Lijuan’s house and ransack her house for Maxim/FHM magazines 22. Go to Lijuan’s house and take a bus ride around Singapore (so fascinating. Nicole loves it. It reminds her of how she used to play catching in the kampong) 23. Go to Lijuan’s house and read newspapers 24. Go to Lijuan’s house and play tictactoe 25. Go to Lijuan’s house and smile at her 26. Go to Lijuan’s house and try her 27. Play five stones 28. Play hamtam bola 29. Play cantek 30. Play top game 31. Play marbles 32. Play catching spiders 33. Go watch videos on Youtube of Cock fighting 34. Go watch videos on Youtube on the history of Singapore 35. Go watch videos on Youtube of George Bush 36. Run around Singapore to find Mrs Bala 37. Run around Singapore and recycle plastic bags 38. Run around Singapore and pick up litter 39. Research on why Mrs Bala has flat feet 40. Stalk Mrs Bala 41. Stalk Ms Mohana 42. Stalk Chan Wei Meng 43. Stalk Alex Teoh 44. Stalk Choo 45. Stalk Su-baby 46. Stalk Clement Tan 47. Stalk Alan Ho (Highly recommended by Nicole) 48. Stalk Mr Adrian 49. Stalk Ms Rozanna 50. Watch Mocca advertisement over and over again 51. Visit http://www.dateathailandman.com 52. Have a debate over whether Wentworth Miller is gay 53. Moan over the coronation of Prince Charles 54. Hold a mini-wake for Lijuan’s dead goldfish 55. Observe the clouds for 4D numbers 56. Play on http://www.lovecalculator.com 57. Count how many eyes a jellyfish has 58. Count how many strands of hair Lijuan dropped last night 59. Measure how big the lizard’s ileum is 60. State the chemical properties of Potassium 61. Write a balanced chemical equation for the reaction bewteen Sodium Hydroxide and Hydrocholric Acid 62. Just let the love spark 63. Decide which is the cheapest pasar malam to go to 64. Talk about the dirty toilets in China 65. Educate Lijuan on pelicans 66. Tuition Vanessa Neubronner in Maths 67. Explore the history of hats 68. Analyze the critical situation between David Cook and David Archuleta 69. Place bets on who will be the next American Idol 70. Watch football 71. Watch Pokemon Season 10 (the latest one worhzxzxz) 72. Call Cabrini up and ask her for advice 73. Ring up Jolyne and hear her lame jokes 74. See who can cut the smallest piece of paper from an A4 size of paper 75. See who can cut out Alan Ho’s figure from an A4 size paper (though some may have an unfair advantage due to many hours of scrutinizing) 76. Compare colour of FBTS 77. Go find from the internet what 100 roses signify 78. Visit Seth Tan’s baby 79. Coo over Seth Tan’s blog and nice house 80. Take Nicole Chan’s piggy bank and count how many coins there are 81. Ransack Nicole Yue’s wardrobe and create 100 new looks 82. Seek enlightenment on Moira’s theory of big boobs 83. Go to Fei Yu Qing’s concert 84. Hold a concert where Nicole Chan sings “Peace Be With You”, Lin LiJuan is the angel and Marie is the grass 85. Webcam Neubronner with the supermodel theme 86. Webcam Nicole Scherzinger with supermodel theme as background for webcam 87. Buy a Neubronner a stuffed pokemon 88. Memorize 101 pickup lines 89. Attempt to scotch tape water (though Nicole Chan will have unfair advantage as she practices this everyday) 90. Challenge Peter Tay sculpting a plastic bowl 91. Adopt pets from SPCA 92. Time how fast light travels until we succeed 93. See who can punch the most number of holes on an A4 size paper 94. Compete to see who can draw the longest line 95. Teach Mrs Bala Chinese dance 96. Attempt to correct Mrs Bala’s Indian Dance moves 97. Tell Ms Susan Lim that we want to celebrate her birthday with her 98. Do cross-country across the diagonal of Singapore 99. Swim to Johor and smuggle DVDs to Singapore 100. Go out for movie during enrichment week 101. SURPRISE Reflections: -What we did well? Letting our creatice juices flow and coming up with abundant ways to entertain ourselves on this opulent occasion. -Difficulties we faced? We were mentally worn out as it was almost 10pm at night and we were still slogging out guts out to finish this proposal. -What we can improve on in the future? Time management. We will try to have better time management. BIBLIOGRAPHY -SHAKESPEARE -THE BRAIN -HAEMOGLOBIN (FOR PROVIDING OXYGEN TO THE BRAIN) -AND THANKS MANY MANY TO…. THE TRANSPORT SYSTEM DONE BY: NICOLE CHAN JING WEN(22) SEC 2 GRACE MARIE TAN PEI EN (33) SEC 2 JUSTICE AND LIN LI JUAN(20) SEC 2 GRACE (stupid parasite.) |