![]() a long prose called a profile Okay here we go. I'm Marie, and I was fired from my mom's womb on the 8th September 1994. Do the math, if you wanna know how old I am or am gonna be, yes? 'Cause my inability to factorise stuff isn't getting me anywhere. Alright, moving on! I come from the hottest sexiest coolest Sec 1 Truth '07 and the awesomest fantastic-est loveliest Sec 2 Justice '08 and now the funest coolest Sec 3 Grace '09 :D Yes, so no Secondary student is allowed to go home straight 5 days a week, so i'm in SNLS to burn off my one day a week and try not to give the Library aunty migraines. I'm currently relishing my first year not a Drama student. I profess my love to the love-ah-lee CAPPERS '08 who made my first week of June hols '08 a week to remember! Teehee. I will miss hurling paper balls at Heidi/Alicia C/Ziyu/Genith during class, and will find a way to kachao them in their new classes hehheh. I need to sit with someone good in math because I downright suck at any aspect of it except 1+1, 2+2 that sorta thing, and I still love Archuleta with my teenage-lovey-dovey heart:D (shuddup i'm not weird!). I'm a hardcore Friends-addict, and I adore Chandler Bing. mommy said communication is key! the (elect) history of this blog October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 people people people! SEXY ONE TRUTH'07:D Christine. Colleen. Hillary. Li Juan aka Mitochondriona. Melissa. Nicole Chan aka S****. Nicole Yue. Raeann. Shu Qing. Yorklyn. Vanessa Cheong. Xin Ling. BABYVFC =). ONETRUTH'07=). AWESOME TWO JUSTICE '08:D Amanda (1TRUTH'07). Angelique (tianshi!). Cabrini (1TRUTH'07). Cheryl. Erina (1TRUTH'07). Esther. Hannah. Heidi. Huai Tian. Janice Chua. Jolyne (1TRUTH'07). Lai Sum aka Potential Future Top Hairstylist. Li Lin. Megan (1TRUTH'07). Michelle. Ning Xuan. Saacha (1TRUTH'07). Sharon (1TRUTH'07). 2JUSTICE LEAGUEE BABY:D. LOVE-AH-LEE THREE GRACE'09:D> Alanaaaa Cassandraaa Daphneeee Joanna-anna (1TRUTH'07). Lin Jianxzxzx Marthaaa Kuchinggg (1TRUTH'07) Min Yuxzxzxzx Staceyyyyy Wei Yunnn Yvonnester (2JUSTICE'08). YCS Antho. Clovie. Denise. Dominic Fernie. Irwin. John. Milissa. Yong Mei. SNLS Gar Wai. Han Wen. Janice. Jia Yun. Jodie. Pui San. Renee. Ruth (rachel!). Ting Yuan. Zhu Wei. CHIJ St Nicholas Primary Charlotte (1-4FAITH'01-'04). Nikko (5FAITH'05). Qiao Yoke (3FAITH'03/4FAITH'04). Sabrina Quek (6PURITY'06). Shan Wen (5FAITH'05/6PURITY'06). Vivian Tan (1FAITH'01/2FAITH'02). SHOW SOME LOVE FOR... Derrek. Joelle. Lorraine (FRENCH CLASS '07). Amanda Chaaai. CAPPER'S 08:D Aliciaaa my red red buddy:D. Bumsooooooo. Carissa (midnight hagg). Cassandra. Cleo. Dawn. Deborah. Ephraimm britney dude:O. Joy. Id. Rei En. Shameera. Xin Yi. Yvonne. kudos to you man, skin by: Jane |
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 10:40 PM
This post has been edited to include the quiz at the end! Scroll down, nuthead:D ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Bada bing! Okay, Erina dearest has promoted her quiz and i'm advertising it! So here we go, peanutheads!:D THREE SCREEN NAMES YOU HAVE HAD: 1. I 2. Can't 3. Remember (4: Sorry) THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF: 1. Stomach. If it gets any bigger, people would be getting off seats in the MRT and gesturing at me to use them. Cool huh. 2. Dry hair. Helps me save money on gel, 'cause it pretty much molds itself into whatever kind of style I order it to. Awesome-ated shit. 3. Hairy arms/legs. Keeps me warm. Hah all you hairless people who will die before me in the case of a global freeze. THREE PHYSICAL THINGS YOU DO NOT LIKE ABOUT YOURSELF 1. Stomach. Big stomachs need big food. Not good for financial crisis times. 2. Dry hair. Keeps hairdresses wasting their saliva on telling me/my mom how kiam my hair is. And they need saliva. Digestive juices, for goodness sakes. People spend money on products which help digestion, can't just throw it all away like that, can you? 3. Hairy arms/legs. Keeps people wasting their time trying to experiment with plucking out the hair or rubbing my arms/legs and going "Eeee". Dudes, you gotta realize that nothing you do will make my hair uproot themselves and give you lessons 101 on why they chose to take residence in my arms/legs, and asking me why i'm so hairy will not yield any results because I don't think I was conscious when my genetics were being formed. And since time is money, you're wasting money. Not good for you, folks - two words: financial crisis. THREE PARTS OF YOUR HERITAGE: 1. Mother 2. Father 3. You asking me about third party? Want me to call Subhas Ananda (or whatever his name is) and sue you issit? THREE THINGS THAT SCARE YOU: 1. Kazhuas in the toilet 2. The dream in which Mrs Nath was screaming at me for not bringing Village By The Sea 3. Mrs Khong/Aunt(Ms Lai) appearing out of nowhere during duty hours to catch us slacking with the bookshelves THREE OF YOUR EVERYDAY ESSENTIALS: 1. Phone (it's nice to know you're just numbers away from someone) 2. Panadol (a day knowing that i don't have any zyrtec as backups for those horrible headaches is not a day at all) 3. Bed (ahh...sanctuary) THREE THINGS YOU ARE WEARING NOW: 1. That oversized SNG shirt they gave us for national day in P5 (yes it's still a little oversized. gootness. i know what you're thinking - it must have been really oversized, huh? Yeah well, clamp it (copyrighted Jolyne Clampit Tan).) 2. Black fbts 3. Pervert. THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE BANDS OR MUSICAL ARTISTS: 1. I really liked the singing statues in Hercules once... 2. David Archuleta (who, who, who else but he?) 3. My brother. I have all his hit singles - the screeching, the howling, the grunting, you name it, I got it. THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE SONGS (RIGHT NOW): 1. If I Were A Boy - Beyonce 2. My Hands - David Archuleta 3. Vienna - Billy Joel THREE THINGS YOU WANT IN A RELATIONSHIP: Who are you? Dr Phil? THREE PHYSICAL THINGS ABOUT THE PREFERRED SEX THAT APPEAL TO YOU: 1. Wahlao eh. 2. You 3. Pervert. THREE OF YOUR FAVORITE HOBBIES: 1. Annoying my brother while he studies 2. Rotting away on my couch 3. Watching Alan, Charlie and Jake on Two and a Half Men THREE THINGS YOU NEED TO DO REALLY BADLY RIGHT NOW: 1. Get over the fact that i'm not going to Arvon 2. Find something to do 3. Bathe. (omg my third thing was exactly same as Erina's:O) THREE CAREERS YOU'RE CONSIDERING/YOU'VE CONSIDERED: 1. I am 2. only 3. 14 years old THREE PLACES YOU WANT TO GO ON VACATION: 1. France! And test my 36% with the locals! 2. Salt Lake City! (there are pretty things there!) 3. Zoo. See the White Tigers who granted the guy his final wish THREE THINGS YOU WANT TO DO BEFORE YOU DIE: 1. Win the fight over Juan's and my wrongful annuling of CCA point 2. Find the holiday homework, print it out and burn it 3. Buy all David Archuleta CDs in stock and get them buried with me THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: 1. Well. Aunt Rose visits once a month. I think that means i'm chromosome X-ed right? Or does she just dislike Uncle Robin so much? 2. I understand why my mom and aunt cried at the last episode of Bu Fan De Ai 3. I cry when Melinda crosses the ghosts over to the light. THREE WAYS THAT YOU ARE NOT STEREOTYPICALLY A GIRL: 1. I have more hair (on my head and body) than my brothers. I was born that way. They thought I was a boy because I looked so much like my dad. And I had a headful of hair so I looked like a paintbrush 2. I don't do dresses. I just don't. Sorry, mom. 3. I punch and bully my brothers more than I cook or clean or sit and look girly. Product of a lifetime of living with guys. Old guys. Okay. Chen Zhi Cai show starting soon! @ 10:20 PM
Ah shit. Not going for Arvon. It has a really good programme, and it's very good opportunity since i'm given a choice to go. But sometimes sacrifices gotta be made. Ahh. Never mind. Opportunity cost. Hmm. Driving Lessons rocks:D Love Rupert Grint. He's not good looking (sorry cabby heh) but he's charming and funny. Which is cool. Don't know what to do with myself. Finished wrapping books and everything. (wrapping books is fun, by the way) And I could watch Two and A Half Men, but if I start, I won't be able to stop. (proclaims my love for charlie and alan) So i'm gonna go finish watching Driving Lessons. If I finish watching that, i'll go on to watch Nanny Diaries again. Ah. Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 5:04 AM
Avon workshops from 1 to 5 Dec!! 9am-5pm each day. 5 days omg. Like school. Should I go? Should I not go? Not that I have a choice either way, though. Hmm whatever. It could be fun. (Please let it be fun.) Aye. Choir trip prevents my Carissa midnight hag and Rachel from going with meeee. Ugh. My Christine hasn't replied! (Oh please go, Christineeeeek:O) Watched Poltergeist 2 and Nanny Diaries yesterday. Neither were very excellent shows, but watching with mom and cousin and grandma and aunt was fun:D Gonna watch Baby Mama later! Watching old home videos rock man! It's the best thing ever. Especially watching them with family. They're the best movies ever. I could spend a whole day watching old videos with family man. Actually, I could watch just about anything with them and not get bored or pissed off. But old home videos get the #1:D Love y'all, guys:D Okay. Gonna scoot now. Mommy thinks i'm in the shower, and brother is gonna come up anytime now and chase me out of his room. I need that new laptop, daddy! :D Sunday, November 16, 2008 @ 8:57 PM
I know, I know holiday homework is up on edulearn! And for some unfathomable, incomprehensible reason, I want to do it! Must be the boredom. Having nothing to do at all really gets to you sometimes. Sent in my first draft 5 minutes after midnight on Wednesday! Which equals to 5 minutes late. Which equals not so bad. Whoosh:D Considering I started out on a blank page on Wednesday morning and somehow managed to churn out this 6 page rough (and probably mistake-ridden) draft in my outbox at 12.05am. Phew. Better not get to the straw which breaks the camel's back though. Not a good idea, that. Charismatic Mass later! My uncle's gonna bring Baby Vicky (aka my freakingly cute niece):D I love her to bits and pieces. She's the cutest thing i've ever laid eyes on, I tell you. (Yes, much cuter than David Archuleta or Shane West or whoever.) Oh, which reminds me huh. Who was it who typed in my handphone notes section "David the worst damn thing your eyes have every seen" huh huh? Own up, culprit! Hmm. Okay. To 2 Justice '08! You guys are a marvellous, awesome, fabulous bunch of people, the most talented and cool and friendly and fun people I have ever met:D This year was interesting, and there were ups and downs. Everyone's going their separate ways next year, whether to IP or other schools or other classes, doing different things. But we're always gonna be the rockin' fabulous 2J '08 who freakingly won best class award and chalet at Changgggi:D:D Thanks for making this year so freaking cool and so fun! Every single one of you rock to the max max max max and wherever you go next year, i'm freakin' sure you'll rock the house to bits of debris:D:D And I can only hope and pray that my class next year will be half as nice and cool as you guys:D I LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU FREAKS:D FOREVER AND EVER BABES(: Got down and dirty and sentimental for a moment! Heh. But I really love you 2Justice individuals:D Rock on, dudesss(: Alright. As above-mentioned, there's nothing better to do. And hence I will do the 100 question quiz from mei nu Nicole Yueeee's blogggo:D Let's break it down now! A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs. B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz & those who are tagged cannot refuse. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. C) Continue this game by sending it to other people 01. What have you been doing recently? Wasting away and wanting to do holiday homework for some screwed up reason. 02. Do you ever turn your cell phone off? When i'm pissed of at it, sure. 03. What happened at 10.00am today? Ehh. I bet lots of things happened at 10am today. What, was the whole world comatose on their beds just like how I was? Don't think so. But i'm not so sure - I was pretty preoccupied with being braindead and snoring on my bed. 04. When did you last cry? Sorry, still braindead and can't recall. 05. Believe in fate/destiny? Huh? 06. What do you want in your life right now? To curl up under a blanket and get knocked out and not wake for another fifty years. 07. Do you carry an umbrella when it rains, or just put up your hood? What hood? I'm not freaking Flo Rida. 08. What's your favourite thing to have on your bed? A pillow so I can sleep. (What sort of question is this?) o9. What bottom are you wearing now Black, oversized fbts. 10. What's the nicest text in your inbox say? I'll get my messages to audition themselves and then get them to vote for their nicest counterpart first, okay? 11. Do you tend to make a relationship complicated? Complicated? How to make it complicated? Not some Chinese drama okay. 12. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone? As in, now? Can't think of anything. I'll get back to you after i've checked, alright? 13. What was the last movie you caught? HSM3. And it rocked:D 14. What are you proud of? The CD entitled David Archuleta and the poster with his face which is still wrapped in plastic and sitting downstairs. 15. What does the oldest text message in your inbox say? Ehh it was from Jolyne, and it was quite long (as usual) so probably won't type the whole thing out here. Heh. 16. What was the last song you sang out loud? Hurh! (not gonna embarrass myself!) Q17. Do you have any nicknames? Nicknames? Eeyer. 18. What does your last received text message say? Hah. From Jolyne also. And also quite long (took 10 seconds to open) so shan't type it out here! 19. What time did you go to bed last night? 2.10am and happy about it. 20. Are you currently happy? Hmmm. I'll get back to you. 21. Who gives you best advice? My toy dog. (I ask him questions and he'll respond, controlled by the motions of my hands. And he rocks. ) 22. Do you eat whipped cream out of a can? Simi whipped cream? 23. Who did you talk on phone last night? Who did you talk with, you mean! Okay, I erm. Talked to my dad. He was telling me about how we was walking across the Causeway. 24. Is anything bugging you right now? Sure. The kazhua in my toilet. 25. What/who was the last thing/person to make you laugh? My brother, when he said to his girlfriend on the phone, "Ehh no it's not 3 o'clock yet. It's 2.59." 26. Do you wear toe socks? What are toe socks? Stop making me feel outdated! 27. Who was the last person you missed a call from? Dad. 28. Have you ever had your heart broken? Well, seeing as I wouldn't be alive if someone actually reached in my chest (yuck) and disected my heart with a pair of scissors or something, nope. Then again, how can a something break if it's kinda full of blood and made of tissues which aren't really fragile? 29. What annoys you most in a person? Erm. Haven't thought about that. 30. Do you have a crush on anyone? Oooh, is it real or just another crushh?? 31. Have you ever done cocaine? :O:O:O Deepest darkest secret exposed! 32. What is the colour of your room? White lah. Then what. Rainbow colour arh? 33. Would you kill someone you hate for a billion dollars? Nah. I'd probably guilt myself to death before receiving the billion dollars. 34. Do you believe in the saying : talk is cheap? Are you kidding? Then why are Ellen and Oprah probably able to afford a house twice the size of mine? 35. Who was the last person to lie in your bed? My dad. He has to sleep with the Jonas brothers and David Archuleta staring at him from the walls every night now since Grandma is staying here. Sorry dad. Maybe you'll think they're hot too after a few more months. Not that Mom will be very happy with that. 36. Who was the last person to hug you? Aiyah. Paiseh paiseh. Can't remember. 37. Did anyone see the last person you kissed? I don't think my stuffed pig qualifies as a person right? 38. Do you have a life? No. I'm a typing corpse. 39. Have you ever thought someone died, when they really hadn't? Well. Yeah. Moses Lim. 40. What is the reason behind your profile song? Profile song? 41. Who was the last person you saw in your dream? I can't remember. I think it was Zac Efron. And I have no idea why. 42. Last time you smiled? Woah. This is like some psychiatric question. 43. Have you changed this year? Yes. My hair is longer and I don't really find Paul Twohill appealing anymore. 44. What are you listening to right now? My brother's radio, and thunder grumbling outside. 45. Are you talking to someone when you doing this? Stalker. 46. Do you walk with your eyes open or closed? Hah. Haha. Ha. Hah hah. 47. Is there a quote you live by? Why base my life on a phrase? 48. Do you want someone you cannot have? Eeyer. Sounds so wrong. 49. Have you ever played an instrument? Organ. And I still can play okay! A little. Not alot. Okay, fine, I don't play anymore. 50. What was the worst idea you've had in this week? This week started about 15 hours and 45 minutes ago. I think i've been able to stay out of bad ideas since then. I think. 51. What were you doing last night at 11pm? Admiring the Christmas tree and waiting for my brother to bring home supper. 52. Are you happy with your love life right now? Yes. I have his album. Oh whatever else could I want? 53. What song best describe your love life? Hah. Ha. Ha. Crush - David Archuleta. Hah. 54. Does the person know that you like him/her? Aiyah. Stop rubbing it in luh. Hmph. 55. Who always make you laugh? Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men. 56. Do you speak other language other than English? Chinese, and 36% French. 57. Favourite website(s)? Nicole Chan's www.dateathailandman.com takes the cake. 58. What's your middle name? Erm. Marie Tan Pei En. It has 4 words. 4 divided by 2 = 2. Hence there is no middle. A1 explanation, Mr Clement Tan? How about that method mark you were taking about, Mrs Yeo? 59. What are you doing tomorrow? I don't think I recently developed any freaky psychic powers I don't know about. 60. What do you think you are like? Psychatric question! 61. Who will you choose to die with? Oh, Romeo! Death lies on him like an untimely frost upon the sweetest flower of all the field, and death which hath sucked the honey of his breath hath had no power yet upon his beauty! 62. Where have you been today? Here! Here! Here! Stalker! 63. What game do you play often? The Annoying Your Brother When He Studies game. 64. Who are you missing right now? I'm not missing yoooooouuu. I'm not going through the motions, waiting and hoping you call me! It's a song lah! 65. If you have to choose between friend and love, who will you choose? Oh, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny! Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean! 66. What are you doing right now? Wasting my life. What else I am supposed to do? 67. Which primary school are you from? CHIJ St. Nicholas Primary! I cried my way to PAP kindergarten, and my mom hence decided to ballot me in St Nicks since my going to Marymount Primary just wasn't happening. But turns out we lucky things didn't need balloting. So there I was:D 68. Name 3 colours that you like? Haha. Got this question from my PAP kindergarten activity book right? 69. What emotion do you like to show? Probably just emotions taking me over, caught up in sorrow, lost in my soul!! (It's a song neh) 70. What is your life to you? adjective –noun 1.the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally. 2.the sum of the distinguishing phenomena of organisms, esp. metabolism, growth, reproduction, and adaptation to environment. 3.the animate existence or period of animate existence of an individual: to risk one's life; a short life and a merry one. 71. If you have something troubling you, what will you do? Curl up and sleep. Sleep, that sweet oblivion into which I must retreat when confronted with's life's struggles and ugly head. 72. Who did you last chat in msn today? Joseph. And I want to murder him. The guy's freaking sitting in an air-con office and earning money while I sit beside my brother who is studying so hard i'm positive he's gonna go schizophrenic in a few weeks and waste my life. 73. Who do you admire most? Pope John Paul II. He was shot by some guy, and he actually went to visit him in prison and talk to him like a brother. Now, if that's not just freaking awesome, what is? Q74. Which month are you born in? September. 8 months and 4 days after my eldest brother wished for a sister on his 10th birthday. Q75. How are you feeling right now? Still braindead. Even though i've been proven awake for 4 hours and 12 minutes now. 76. What is the time now? 4.12pm! Haha Nicole Yue did this at 4.21pm. 77. What kind of person do u think the one who tagged you is? MEINU ROCKY!!:D 78. What colour did you use to dye hair? Luminous fbt green. And it caused fatal car accidents because vehicles mistook my head for a traffic light. 79. Why are you doing this test? I got tagged by Nicole Yue! (she had better meant it for this marie! if not, it'd be the paiseh-est thing i've ever done! hmm.) 80. What do you do when you're moody? Curl up and sleep. Yes, I sleep alot. 81. At which age you wish to get married? Wa mm zai! Translation: I don't know! 82. Who is more important to you? Family luh. They're weird sometimes, but they rock:D 83. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do? Fly to Salt Lake City, then come back and fight about the wrongful annuling of my CCA point. 84. Who is the person you trust the most? God. He'd never judge me or anything like that. And he rocks:D 85. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after a rain? I agree with Nicole Yue's answer. What's there to believe or not? It's already proven! 86. If you have a dream come true, what would it be? Not telling! 87. What is your goal for this year? This year is ending in less than 2 months. So fast. Too fast. Goals? Eh...survive mentorship deadlines with good work. 88. Do you believe in eternity love? What the hell is eternity love? 89. What feeling do you love most? Feeling that everything is what it should be. 90. Do you really think its Global Warming now? Oh no no. I think that the sun just moved closer because it was attracted by America's top models. 91. What feeling do you hate most? Stomachaches when i'm out of the house or not in the vicinity of any usable toilets really suck. 92. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? Sure. 93. Do you believe in God? Sure. 94. Who cares for you most? What do you mean by care, exactly? 95. What do you think is the most important thing in your life? Eh? This question seems to be repeated. 96. What will you bring when you fight? A rock so I can hide behind it. 97. What have you done regretted doing in your whole life? This question doesn't make grammatical sense. 98. What would you feel if no one no longer cares for you? No one no longer cares for me? Huh? That'd be a good thing right. 99. What if your boyfriend/girlfriend two-timed you? Break up with him on the phone in 27 seconds. 100. How do you feel now? Amazed that I actually answered 100 questions about myself. Sounds a bit narcissistic, doesn't it? (woah i was listening to a 'beauty and a beast' song and i typed 'sounds a bit romantic'. ooh.) 8 ppl who are down for this quiz: -Erina (told you i'd tag you hah) -Jolyne (i know you want to answer 100 questions about yourself! heehee.) -Nicole Chan (narcissist! do it!) -Juan juan (you also, narcissist!) -Heidi! -Michelle! -Ziyu! -Yvonne! Okay, people were tagged randomly! Charismatic Mass is in 50 minutes! And I haven't eaten dinner. Okay byebye! Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 7:23 AM
I HAVE IT. I HAVE IT. I HAVE IT. I HAVE IT. (shuddup it doesn't sound wrong) I HAVE IT. CHEER FOR ME. FOR THERE IS AN ALBUM TITLED 'DAVID ARCHULETA' SITTING ON MY TABLE RIGHT NOW, FLANKED NEATLY BY FREAKING 2009 CALENDAR WITH THIS GUY WHOSE NAME HAPPENS TO BE DAVID ARCHULETA ADORNING THE HUGE POSTER-SIZED BEAUTY. Kill me. Okay, don't. 'Cause I have it. It's still wrapped beautifully in plastic and is just just just. Just! Beautiful! :D Thanks to Nicole Chan who sponsored me with 14 out of the 16.90 dollars needed to purchased the 8th World Wonder:D:D THANK YOOOOOU:D:D Okay, I owe this blog and 2 Justice a dedication! I shall do it in the next post! Promise! ('Cause I don't think I can write a proper and deserving dedication while 97% of me wants to run into the room and curl up on the bed and watch the Chen Zhi Cai show until 12am then Tyra Banks until 1am) Last day of school today! Ended it with a BANG - Mrs Khong tugging at my uniform and pulling my belt up to an unearthly height. Awesome:D OH LOVE-AH-LEE TWO JUSTICE WON WON WON WON ALOHA CHALET AND A WHOLE HAMPER OF FOOOOD :D:D:D:D CONGRAAAAATTSS BABEEEEES:D:D Okay shall go watch! Tuesday, November 11, 2008 @ 6:45 AM
If I were a boy Even just for a day I'd roll out of bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted and go Drink beer with the guys And chase after girls I'd kick it with who I wanted And I'd never get confronted for it Because theyd stick up for me If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man I'd listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted Cause he's taken you for granted And everything you had got destroyed If I were a boy I would turn off my phone Tell everyone its broken So they thinkthat I was sleeping alone I'd put myself first And make the rules as I go Cause I know that she'd be faithful Waiting for me to come home (to come home) If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man I'd listen to her Cause I know how it hurts When you lose the one you wanted (wanted) Cause he's taken you for granted (granted) And everything you had got destroyed It's a little too late for you to come back Say its just a mistake Think I forgive you like that If you thought I would wait for you You thought wrong But you're just a boy You don't understand (yea you don’t understand) How it feels to love a girl Someday you'll wish you were a better man You don't listen to her You don't care how it hurts Until you lose the one you wanted Cause you've taken her for granted And everything you had got destroyed But you're just a boy… If I Were A Boy - Beyonce Lovely lovely song. Go watch the music video. You know, it rocks having older brothers. You can prank call their girlfriends and do nonsense stuff. :D You can answer his handphone and go (in manly voice), "Hi, this is Leon. I'm a pimpled freak who eats nonsense stuff and..." before he wrestles the phone back. And you can also sent offline instant messages through his account to his 'one and only' saying "Hi this is Freak Tan. I am a weirdo who loves doing nonsense" etc etc. And the best part is. The guy in question doesn't get angry:O He laughs and lets you terrorize his girlfriend. Heehee:D HSM3 ROCKS:D Okay this was a short short short post. Gonna watch the Chen Zhi Cai show! (Did I mention I met him in the lift one day and nearly fainted out of shock and excitement?) Wednesday, November 5, 2008 @ 8:14 PM
Okay, so Marie Ee smsed mentor yesterday after some debating and grieving over how he hasn't replied both of us (i feel better now)! And he said. He wanted a phone call session. :O:O:O Si liao. But! He hasn't told me anything about it. Oh please don't. I would just... I would... I...I... Ugh. Ben xiao jie is a shy person! But aiyah what's the use of a mentor if you're not gonna listen to his advice and hear what he has to say and learn from him? Should stop being a wuss and just talk. Hmm. Okay on to other matters. Like. Subject combi results coming out on Mooon Day!!!!! (bites nails, fidgets, looks uncomfortable) Tres exciting, tres nerve-wrecking, tres stressful. But whatever. What's done is done. I'd take anything they give me. Other than the Clit or Drama options. I think. So hope everybody out there gets their desired options and be tres happy:D Okay, i'm gonna dedicate a post to the tres awesome 2 Justice '08 on Monday after every gets their results!! WO AI NI, I LOVE YOU, THE BESTEST PEOPLE IN THE WORLDXZXZXZXZXZX:D The Flyer was super freakingly awesome-ated! Even though when we got to the top and the thing announced 'You are now on top of the world', and it started raining with thunder and lightning and my cousin got so scared she never left the seat and her feet and palms started sweating and shaking. It was beautiful. Could see the Benjamin Sheares Bridge (i think) and the Singapore River, the Marina Barage and every freaking awesome thing!:D The ride took all of half an hour, but it was one hell of a great half an hour. Singapore River was great too. The driver uncle let me steer the boat, and although I was freaking out inwardly over what to do if I made the boat capsize and all the ang mohs at the back had relatives who would sue my parents for manslaughter and wrongful deaths, I did it:D And guess what! I didn't make the boat capsize:D Yes, it swayed like dangerously for awhile, but nothing which made the angmohs scream or jump off and start swimming back. And that equals a victory:D Had a stomachache while on the thing, though. Awful. But Singapore River still rocks even with the pains in my stomach which screamed at me to go relieve myself and me screaming back that there was no toilet in the vicinity which was, if I may add, just water and restaurants and angmohs. One hour bus rides to Harbourfront are cool stuff. I just crossed the road to a bus stop, awaited the arrival of 855 and got on when it came, sat behind and in one hour, got off at Vivo City. (Rings a bell on something about transport hubs. Hmm far away memory.) Ohkay. SENTOSA LAST THURSDAY WAS THE FUN-NEST COOLEST SHINDICK EVERRR:D:D:D:D THANK YOOOU CHANSTER, HOONSTER AND JUANSTER:D:D Love y'all to deathxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxzxx:D We saw this Leonardo Dicaprio look-alike near the Merlion before going to Delifrance (and blowing 14 freaking dollars of my dad's money on a spaghetti and lemon tea). I really, I mean really, thought he looked like Leonardo Dicaprio. Except that he was Indian and was probably hotter than Leonardo Dicaprio with the way Dicaprio looks now (which is saddening - what happened to my Romeo? ): ). Sat the Skyride thing. Which was pretty erm life-draining. If there had been no bars (which I gripped so hard my palms started sweating and my knuckles turned white) I would never ever have gotten my shaking-with-fear butt on it. Even though it's just about a tenth of the height of the Flyer at its maximum altitude. But it was still cool(: (tip: don't think about the thing dropping and plunging you into the trees and greenery below) The beaches were fun:D We found our way around thanks to Juan Juan who uncharacteristically (heehee okay just kidding, don't get mad) did research and stuff and knew her way around the sunny place:D (Okay okay you're smart) Met nice Korean people who thought Chan and Hoon were laughing about them when they were actually doing something not mildly embarrassing behind the itinerary. Met German guy and his super cute baby daughter (who is not called Shavani!)! Saw some Edward-looking guy at Tanjong beach haha. All in all, it was superrrrr greeeat:D LOOOOVE YOOOU ALLL WEEETH ALL MY HEEAART:D:D Nights In Rodanthe was touching! Tears started betraying me at the part where the ponies came (okay shut up). Ooooh congrats you environmental green models people - Jolyne, Chantel, Francine, Yvette - for sashaying into finals!!!:D:D You guys rockeddd:DD Even in recycled materials:D Okay shall go watch the last episode of the 7pm show I taped! Gootbye! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much:D @ 4:15 AM
Omg what to do. Mentor's not replying! Omg. Omg. Omg! What to do!!! Worrying for his health. Worrying for his health. Omg I am not cursing him. I'm going nuts. What to do! Okay calm down. I shall wait a few days, then just when i'm about to hit rock bottom, i'll sms. Omg what if he doesn't reply sms! Okay, then i'll call. If I have the guts. But then again. When i'm about to go mental, there's probably nothing I wouldn't do. Awesome. Omg what if he doesn't pick up the phone! Okay. Then i'll just fall lightly to the ground and waste away. Yes, that's what i'll do. I LOVE YOU TO DEATH, TWO JUSTICE SHEROES:D:D:D FOREVER AND EVER BABES(: |