![]() a long prose called a profile Okay here we go. I'm Marie, and I was fired from my mom's womb on the 8th September 1994. Do the math, if you wanna know how old I am or am gonna be, yes? 'Cause my inability to factorise stuff isn't getting me anywhere. Alright, moving on! I come from the hottest sexiest coolest Sec 1 Truth '07 and the awesomest fantastic-est loveliest Sec 2 Justice '08 and now the funest coolest Sec 3 Grace '09 :D Yes, so no Secondary student is allowed to go home straight 5 days a week, so i'm in SNLS to burn off my one day a week and try not to give the Library aunty migraines. I'm currently relishing my first year not a Drama student. I profess my love to the love-ah-lee CAPPERS '08 who made my first week of June hols '08 a week to remember! Teehee. I will miss hurling paper balls at Heidi/Alicia C/Ziyu/Genith during class, and will find a way to kachao them in their new classes hehheh. I need to sit with someone good in math because I downright suck at any aspect of it except 1+1, 2+2 that sorta thing, and I still love Archuleta with my teenage-lovey-dovey heart:D (shuddup i'm not weird!). I'm a hardcore Friends-addict, and I adore Chandler Bing. mommy said communication is key! the (elect) history of this blog October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 people people people! SEXY ONE TRUTH'07:D Christine. Colleen. Hillary. Li Juan aka Mitochondriona. Melissa. Nicole Chan aka S****. Nicole Yue. Raeann. Shu Qing. Yorklyn. Vanessa Cheong. Xin Ling. BABYVFC =). ONETRUTH'07=). AWESOME TWO JUSTICE '08:D Amanda (1TRUTH'07). Angelique (tianshi!). Cabrini (1TRUTH'07). Cheryl. Erina (1TRUTH'07). Esther. Hannah. Heidi. Huai Tian. Janice Chua. Jolyne (1TRUTH'07). Lai Sum aka Potential Future Top Hairstylist. Li Lin. Megan (1TRUTH'07). Michelle. Ning Xuan. Saacha (1TRUTH'07). Sharon (1TRUTH'07). 2JUSTICE LEAGUEE BABY:D. LOVE-AH-LEE THREE GRACE'09:D> Alanaaaa Cassandraaa Daphneeee Joanna-anna (1TRUTH'07). Lin Jianxzxzx Marthaaa Kuchinggg (1TRUTH'07) Min Yuxzxzxzx Staceyyyyy Wei Yunnn Yvonnester (2JUSTICE'08). YCS Antho. Clovie. Denise. Dominic Fernie. Irwin. John. Milissa. Yong Mei. SNLS Gar Wai. Han Wen. Janice. Jia Yun. Jodie. Pui San. Renee. Ruth (rachel!). Ting Yuan. Zhu Wei. CHIJ St Nicholas Primary Charlotte (1-4FAITH'01-'04). Nikko (5FAITH'05). Qiao Yoke (3FAITH'03/4FAITH'04). Sabrina Quek (6PURITY'06). Shan Wen (5FAITH'05/6PURITY'06). Vivian Tan (1FAITH'01/2FAITH'02). SHOW SOME LOVE FOR... Derrek. Joelle. Lorraine (FRENCH CLASS '07). Amanda Chaaai. CAPPER'S 08:D Aliciaaa my red red buddy:D. Bumsooooooo. Carissa (midnight hagg). Cassandra. Cleo. Dawn. Deborah. Ephraimm britney dude:O. Joy. Id. Rei En. Shameera. Xin Yi. Yvonne. kudos to you man, skin by: Jane |
Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 5:18 AM
Don't know why i'm here! But I am! It's Mooonday! Which means "Mind Your Language" at 11pm:DD FAMILY TIME IS COOL YES(: It's just very cool when almost everyone can sit/lie down and just watch tv together, even if just for half an hour. Haha okay on random. Grace brought Unicorn/Jock bean todayyyy!:DD We dissected Jock to find this metal ball bearing! Which unleashes Grace's sicko side (which i know she has! deep inside!):D:D Haha and dear seating partner fired a pen cap 50cm from Mr Searle's thigh today:O (her wild side!) heh:D Ohohoh. Ros Soh: I'm switching periods with...what's his name...that skinny guy! AH BIO. (referring to daniel chng) CLASSIC:D 2.4k again tomorrow:O THANK YOU A MILLIONGAZZILLION STACEY, DAPHNE AND XINHOON FOR RUNNING WITH ME EVEN THOUGH I SLOW DOWN YOUR PACES BY 2312390123912M/S AND SLOW DOWN YOUR TIMINGS BY 2394891123MINS :D:D AND THANK YOU STACEY FOR RUNNING MY LAST ROUNDS WITH ME SINCE WE STARTED 2.4K TRAINING:D:D Thank you all so much for pushing me so I can actually pass with okay timing:D And sorry I look like I got run over by those buses we're supposed to hire to take us on learning journey for bio proj after like 1 minute of running:D You guys da bombb:D:D AND THANK YOU LAMBERT LIJUAN AND DENISEY FOR COMING WITH ME TO SEE ARCHULETA EVEN THOUGH Y'ALL HAD TESTS AND TINGXIES COMING UP THAT WEEK:D:D:D It would never have been so freaking awesome without y'all there:D:D:D:D I PROMISE YOU I'LL GO AND SCREAM FOR DAVID COOK IF HE EVER COMES JUANSTER:D AND DENISEE, I'LL GO WITH YOU TO SEE WHOEVER IT IS YOU KNOW YOU LOVE DEEP DEEP IN YOUR HEART!:D:D Talking Cock was a failed movie last Friday but watching Archuleta bounce and Adam put his hand on Kris' lap in a show of affection for the 23492942th time and just spazzing in my dusty basement was cool:D Okay gonna go Physicist now. On another random note. Seed Of Chucky wasn't that scary. Or maybe it was because I skipped the gory tear-your-intestines-out parts. Bringing a bean to dissect tomorrow! (Chucky's influence:O) Practice for the pig's heart thing. (shudder) PS: Still in love with the Erina printscreenshot below:D:D Heehee(: THANKS EWEENA(: Thursday, April 23, 2009 @ 7:21 AM
![]() YAY ERINAAAAAAAA (who made the annotation btw!!):D:D:D:D:D Archuleta reappeared on Idolxzxzxzxzxzxzxzz:D:D:D:D:D I threw a sock at my brother for saying he looks like a monkey. Quote of the day: "Love is not only blind, it's deaf." - Erina Tan Saturday, April 18, 2009 @ 8:25 AM
Omg i'm gonna so so so so so so so so so freaking miss my Gantian and Daphneeeeee:( You guys rock so so so so so so so freaking much and I love y'all to the maxxy maxxxy max max:D And Zhang Rong too, even though we can't really interact 'cause she's all the way across our little table world(: Will super duper miss all the freaking fun and super duper fab spazzing:( And Daphne's redbox. And Gantian's little roller thing in which she keeps her books. And Gantian's super smartness and funniness. And Daphne's retardedness and funness:D If I didn't have you guys, i'm super sure my result-death would have been a much much more gruesome and terrible affair:D Y'all da coolest guys on ze earth(: Gonna miss Stacey and Shirlene tooo man oh man:(:(:( Sitting with Grace and Jiaxin now:D With Tan Xin Hui, Victoria and (omg i can't remember who!) behind:D All ze freaking way in front. Right smack next to the teacher's table. Right smack in front of the white board. No more gui gui sui sui:( Gotta get a whole gallon of water for standby in case I nod off during lesson. Science Centre tomorrow! And with it goes dreams of waking after civilized hours. Shall go watch the standardize bittersweet reunion on Ghost Whisperer now. Then the Meng Zai Shou Li at 11 (chinese dramas got mei li one okay) Whoo people:D |