![]() a long prose called a profile Okay here we go. I'm Marie, and I was fired from my mom's womb on the 8th September 1994. Do the math, if you wanna know how old I am or am gonna be, yes? 'Cause my inability to factorise stuff isn't getting me anywhere. Alright, moving on! I come from the hottest sexiest coolest Sec 1 Truth '07 and the awesomest fantastic-est loveliest Sec 2 Justice '08 and now the funest coolest Sec 3 Grace '09 :D Yes, so no Secondary student is allowed to go home straight 5 days a week, so i'm in SNLS to burn off my one day a week and try not to give the Library aunty migraines. I'm currently relishing my first year not a Drama student. I profess my love to the love-ah-lee CAPPERS '08 who made my first week of June hols '08 a week to remember! Teehee. I will miss hurling paper balls at Heidi/Alicia C/Ziyu/Genith during class, and will find a way to kachao them in their new classes hehheh. I need to sit with someone good in math because I downright suck at any aspect of it except 1+1, 2+2 that sorta thing, and I still love Archuleta with my teenage-lovey-dovey heart:D (shuddup i'm not weird!). I'm a hardcore Friends-addict, and I adore Chandler Bing. mommy said communication is key! the (elect) history of this blog October 2007 November 2007 December 2007 January 2008 February 2008 March 2008 April 2008 May 2008 June 2008 July 2008 August 2008 September 2008 October 2008 November 2008 December 2008 January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 October 2009 December 2009 people people people! SEXY ONE TRUTH'07:D Christine. Colleen. Hillary. Li Juan aka Mitochondriona. Melissa. Nicole Chan aka S****. Nicole Yue. Raeann. Shu Qing. Yorklyn. Vanessa Cheong. Xin Ling. BABYVFC =). ONETRUTH'07=). AWESOME TWO JUSTICE '08:D Amanda (1TRUTH'07). Angelique (tianshi!). Cabrini (1TRUTH'07). Cheryl. Erina (1TRUTH'07). Esther. Hannah. Heidi. Huai Tian. Janice Chua. Jolyne (1TRUTH'07). Lai Sum aka Potential Future Top Hairstylist. Li Lin. Megan (1TRUTH'07). Michelle. Ning Xuan. Saacha (1TRUTH'07). Sharon (1TRUTH'07). 2JUSTICE LEAGUEE BABY:D. LOVE-AH-LEE THREE GRACE'09:D> Alanaaaa Cassandraaa Daphneeee Joanna-anna (1TRUTH'07). Lin Jianxzxzx Marthaaa Kuchinggg (1TRUTH'07) Min Yuxzxzxzx Staceyyyyy Wei Yunnn Yvonnester (2JUSTICE'08). YCS Antho. Clovie. Denise. Dominic Fernie. Irwin. John. Milissa. Yong Mei. SNLS Gar Wai. Han Wen. Janice. Jia Yun. Jodie. Pui San. Renee. Ruth (rachel!). Ting Yuan. Zhu Wei. CHIJ St Nicholas Primary Charlotte (1-4FAITH'01-'04). Nikko (5FAITH'05). Qiao Yoke (3FAITH'03/4FAITH'04). Sabrina Quek (6PURITY'06). Shan Wen (5FAITH'05/6PURITY'06). Vivian Tan (1FAITH'01/2FAITH'02). SHOW SOME LOVE FOR... Derrek. Joelle. Lorraine (FRENCH CLASS '07). Amanda Chaaai. CAPPER'S 08:D Aliciaaa my red red buddy:D. Bumsooooooo. Carissa (midnight hagg). Cassandra. Cleo. Dawn. Deborah. Ephraimm britney dude:O. Joy. Id. Rei En. Shameera. Xin Yi. Yvonne. kudos to you man, skin by: Jane |
Wednesday, June 24, 2009 @ 8:59 AM
Whoo. Just came back from playground with Leon and grandma! To say it was super cool would be like an understatement. Don't mean to sound philosophical or whatever but really just swinging gives you this "I can do freaking anything in the world" feeling. Y' know, like you can sing "No Boundaries" to the rest of the world and mean it. Like you can forget about physics and the pendulum and whatever it is that's keeping you swinging which you're supposed to know but you don't, and just swing - and every swing, closer to the sky! Hmm. This June's been pretty different from others. Dunno why leh. Maybe it's cause everyone went overseas, everyone had amazing experiences, and everyone's changed (for the better lah). Ohshit, we're all growing up aren't we. Aiyah whatever it is, UPWARDS AND ONWARDS:D Why so philo today, I don't know. Maybe 'cause it's procrastinating that baozhangbaodao or 10 million other homework stuff we have. My brother's an interesting character. He put some plastic container in the oven instead of the microwave and it melted. Heh. We played catching just now zomg. Hee-la-ree-ous, heh. Aye Red Thread later! Can't believe I fell into watching it luh. Ugh whatever, scandal here scandal there i like:D Hee. Right. Marie Tan shall not procrastinate her super screwed holiday homework monster tackling. She shall get off this computer and go write that baozhangbaodao about whatever it's about. WHERE'S MY "CAN DO ANYTHING" FEELING NOW HUR. I think it stayed on the swing. (EGGcited for OG outing on thurs whoo:D) OKAY GET OFF NOW, LAZY BUTT. Sunday, June 14, 2009 @ 7:39 AM
OMG CAN'T BELIEVE I DIDN'T MENTION THIS IN THE PREVIOUS POST. I LOVE YOU CAP COUNCIL' 09:D:D:D:D:D You guys are seriously the coolest most all-rounded and smexy people EVER:D Monday, June 8, 2009 @ 9:05 AM
[okay editted to include the Nicole Chan adoration part below] TEEHEE BEFORE I AM CONCLUDED AS BEING A WHACKO, I MUST CLARIFY THE BELOW POST TO BE WRITTEN BY MY HOT SEXY CUTE CUTE WHACKO CHOCOLATE CUPCAKE HONXZ NICOLE CHANN:D LURBXZ EUU WORHXZXZ(: And it's 12.08am now and I have to be up for my very first Ros Soh recommended maths tuition early early tomorrow so I shall travel to Lalaland soon in order to avoid knocking out in front of Mrs YOw tomorrow:O But I have to say before I go! CAP '09 WAS AWESOME-ATED SHIZZ:D ![]() LOVE YOU TO DEATHLY BITS AWESOME OG1 SIAAAA AND AWESOME GREG CHAIRTOP DANCE/OG PARTNERR YOO:D:D AND LOVE YOU TO DEBRIS FUNKY MUNKY POETRY SLAMMERS AND FUNKY MUNKY EPHRAIM PG PARTNER :D:D (whoever's holding on to that slammers group photo, hand it over or OFF WITH YER HEAD:D) Ohoh on a back to school note! Sitting with KaiSing and ChunHan next termm!!:D:D Second row behind Haiwei, Qianyi and Daphne (we're just inseperable lah huh!) haha:D Started looking at the homework list, courtesy of Alana's blog (thank you!), but haven't started any freakin' thing. Ugh. Nehmind. Study date on Fri with my honeymunchkin people!:D (k sorry, not very coherent now:O) K shall post more and upload more photos on another day when 1.5 hours of midpoint theorems and indices and logarithms doesn't loom ominously sometime in 12 hours. I MISSED YOOUUU SMEXY NICOLE CHANNSTERRR DURING MY 5 DAYS WITHOUT THY EHH SMILEY FACE!:D (even though you just dumped me for Maple! hmph) BYEBYE! @ 8:17 AM
I AM XiaoMARIEz Hie every1, i juz came bac from my cap.... like you know... the baseborrrlll cap? hahhaa, so funni riteeee? acherly, i blufff you. It's creative arts programme. geddit?!??!!?! hahahahaha, they so cool.... like that also can think up. Creative Arts Programme. WAHHHH. i misss my mommyyy so much. and of course nicole chan. i misss her day and night. i even wrote a poem for her. nicole chan nicole chan holding a gun nicole chan nicole chan is so much fun i feel tat i learnt a lot( as seen from above) and i really enjoyed myself! nicole baby now that i'm back and am going to meet you on friday i really can't wait! HERE I COME!!!!!! |